Throttle-Up® Episode: Feb. 20 & 21, 2021

On being a mature and accomplished thinker: mature and accomplished thinkers are, as a first principle, informed by an unquestioned commitment to moral and ethical values. Do you have your own code of ethics written down?

Throttle-Up® Episode: Feb. 13 & 14, 2021

The Theory of Knowledge – Part III: Intuition – Continued. What does your intuition tell you about the recent Presidential Election – plausible or counter-intuitive?

Throttle-Up® Episode: Feb. 6 & 7, 2021

The Theory of Knowledge – Part II: Intuition. Does your intuition inform you – helping to determine if something is true or an attempt at deception? And if your intuition kicks in with a “red flag” how do you follow up? Here the Theory of Knowledge can help. And finally, what does your intuition inform you about the 2020 Presidential Election – fair or seriously flawed?