Throttle-Up® Episode: Feb. 13 & 14, 2021

The Theory of Knowledge – Part III: Intuition – Continued. What does your intuition tell you about the recent Presidential Election – plausible or counter-intuitive?

Throttle-Up® Episode: Nov. 7 & 8, 2020

Elections in America: As a democratic republic, America is built on the foundation that allows its citizens the opportunity to “give consent to be governed”. Those who occupy political positions are empowered by this consent – not by anything else. Thus the voting system for these positions must be trustworthy, i.e. robust and secure against attempted fraud. As a nation we have not yet risen to this challenge. High moral and ethical standards, and a sense of fair play, coupled with critical thinking skills are needed more than ever to return us to a republic we can all be proud of. Captain Smith discusses all of this and more in this week’s broadcast.